Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Democratic Candidate Bernie Sanders on Gun Control

  • Gun Control has been a nagging topic throughout the entirety of Sanders' campaign.
  • Hilary Clinton has constantly bashed Sanders for not having a clear cut plan about gun control which has won her many voters. 
  • Most notably Sanders in 1996 voted against prevention from studying gun violence.  
  • Sanders has brought up in his campaign that Clinton's constant attack on guns is "very disingenuous" 
  • Sanders' most comprehensive statement about guns came up at a January debate when he reversed his position from a 2005 senate vote.
  • Overall Sanders has defended gun control if anything. 
  • Here is a video where Sanders clearly defends gun control
  • "Where Is Bernie Sanders' Gun Control Plan?" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.

Democratic Front Runner Hiliary Clinton on gun control

  • Clinton's Gun Control push has been a major part of her campaign recently
  • "The leading cause of young African-American men is homicide"  Clinton says as she pushes her gun control policy in Milwaukee as the Wisconsin primary approaches. 
  • Clinton says regarding Bernie Sanders' free college tuition push "if my child is dead, he can't go to college."
  • Clinton has seemingly been winning over the majority of voters in Milwaukee with this campaign which is a major step in winning the Wisconsin primary.
  • Copy the link below to see Clinton speaking in Milwaukee. 
  • <iframe width='480' height='290' scrolling='no' src='//' frameborder='0' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
  • "After Obama, Gun Sellers May Also Love Hillary Clinton." CBSNews. CBS Interactive, n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.

Republican Front Runner Donald trump on President Obama's Executive Order

  • Trump has regularly opposed stricter gun control laws after several mass shootings.
  • "I will veto. I will unsign that so fast," Trump told a rally in Biloxi, Mississippi regarding president Obama's plan to tighten gun control through an executive order. 
  • "I don't like having anything to have to do with changing our second amendment. We have plenty of rules and regulations." says Trump regarding gun control.
  • One of Trump's main arguments against gun control is just this, "All they do is blame the guns. And it is not the gun that pulls the trigger."
  • Here is a video where Trump talks about his feelings toward gun control.
  • "Donald Trump: I Will 'unsign' Obama Executive Action on Gun Control."CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.