Monday, April 11, 2016

Republican Candidate Ted Cruz on Gun Control

  • Ted Cruz is strongly against gun control laws that involve banning guns
  • He has always taken this stance toward firearms in America, that idea has been fundamental in his political persona
  • Cruz has been using his relations he's made with defenders of the second amendment to set himself apart from his adversaries in the republican representative race
  • "Everyone is going to support the 2nd amendment -- unless you're clinically insane" says Cruz in a debate in South Carolina 
  • Glover, Scott, and Maeve Reston. "Ted Cruz's No-compromise Stance on Guns." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Republican Candidate John Kasich on Gun Control

  • John Kasich is not a supporter of gun control laws
  • This is shown through him enacting legislation protection on Ohio's concealed carry laws
  • Kasich has openly opposed President Barack Obama's gun control executive orders
  • John Kasich also didn't allow many different restrictions on hunting licenses, showing his opposition to gun control laws
  • Kasich does not plan to loosen current restrictions, however opposes tightening them.
  • The below is a link to a video where Kasich talks about gun control in relation to mental health
  • "John Kasich on Gun Control." John Kasich on Gun Control. On the Issues, n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.