Friday, June 10, 2016
Gun Control Conclusion
In America and throughout the world today, gun control is remaining in the conversation for a possible counter to all of the world's gun violence. This still continues to be a raging argument for and against gun control and both sides can make compelling arguments, which may bring many to a conclusion that a moderation between gun control and no gun control is the way to go. However, whatever ends up happening to try and combat gun violence is best off happening sooner than later so incidences can be controlled worldwide. Just the other day in Tel Aviv there was a shooting which left 4 people dead, and a couple of weeks ago there was a shooting at the University of California, Los Angeles which left many wounded. So if we continue to do nothing this will become a regular and being out in public will continue to be increasingly less safe.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Republican Candidate Ted Cruz on Gun Control
- Ted Cruz is strongly against gun control laws that involve banning guns
- He has always taken this stance toward firearms in America, that idea has been fundamental in his political persona
- Cruz has been using his relations he's made with defenders of the second amendment to set himself apart from his adversaries in the republican representative race
- "Everyone is going to support the 2nd amendment -- unless you're clinically insane" says Cruz in a debate in South Carolina
- Glover, Scott, and Maeve Reston. "Ted Cruz's No-compromise Stance on Guns." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.
Friday, April 1, 2016
Republican Candidate John Kasich on Gun Control
- John Kasich is not a supporter of gun control laws
- This is shown through him enacting legislation protection on Ohio's concealed carry laws
- Kasich has openly opposed President Barack Obama's gun control executive orders
- John Kasich also didn't allow many different restrictions on hunting licenses, showing his opposition to gun control laws
- Kasich does not plan to loosen current restrictions, however opposes tightening them.
- The below is a link to a video where Kasich talks about gun control in relation to mental health
- "John Kasich on Gun Control." John Kasich on Gun Control. On the Issues, n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2016.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Democratic Candidate Bernie Sanders on Gun Control
- Gun Control has been a nagging topic throughout the entirety of Sanders' campaign.
- Hilary Clinton has constantly bashed Sanders for not having a clear cut plan about gun control which has won her many voters.
- Most notably Sanders in 1996 voted against prevention from studying gun violence.
- Sanders has brought up in his campaign that Clinton's constant attack on guns is "very disingenuous"
- Sanders' most comprehensive statement about guns came up at a January debate when he reversed his position from a 2005 senate vote.
- Overall Sanders has defended gun control if anything.
- Here is a video where Sanders clearly defends gun control
- "Where Is Bernie Sanders' Gun Control Plan?" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.
Democratic Front Runner Hiliary Clinton on gun control
- Clinton's Gun Control push has been a major part of her campaign recently
- "The leading cause of young African-American men is homicide" Clinton says as she pushes her gun control policy in Milwaukee as the Wisconsin primary approaches.
- Clinton says regarding Bernie Sanders' free college tuition push "if my child is dead, he can't go to college."
- Clinton has seemingly been winning over the majority of voters in Milwaukee with this campaign which is a major step in winning the Wisconsin primary.
- Copy the link below to see Clinton speaking in Milwaukee.
- <iframe width='480' height='290' scrolling='no' src='//' frameborder='0' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
- "After Obama, Gun Sellers May Also Love Hillary Clinton." CBSNews. CBS Interactive, n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.
Republican Front Runner Donald trump on President Obama's Executive Order
- Trump has regularly opposed stricter gun control laws after several mass shootings.
- "I will veto. I will unsign that so fast," Trump told a rally in Biloxi, Mississippi regarding president Obama's plan to tighten gun control through an executive order.
- "I don't like having anything to have to do with changing our second amendment. We have plenty of rules and regulations." says Trump regarding gun control.
- One of Trump's main arguments against gun control is just this, "All they do is blame the guns. And it is not the gun that pulls the trigger."
- Here is a video where Trump talks about his feelings toward gun control.
- "Donald Trump: I Will 'unsign' Obama Executive Action on Gun Control."CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2016.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Recent American Gun Control News
Recent American Gun Control News
- Nationwide gun sales spiked to 1.6 million firearms in December after president Barack Obama called for stricter gun control laws due to the San Bernardino terror attacks in California.
- The record month for firearm sales was January 2012, where 2 million firearms were sold. This was just shortly after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown.
- While gun control legislation has failed in congress, some states have individually made changes, such as in Washington voters passed a ballot initiative to extend background checks when purchasing firearms.
- 18 U.S. states have passed similar background check laws.
- With the presidential election coming up soon, and our country facing many problems with gun control and terrorism candidates are likely to make promises to change some of these laws that are in place currently
- This link is a video of president hopefuls talking about president Obama's handle on the topic of gun control
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