Monday, February 8, 2016

Recent American Gun Control News

Recent American Gun Control News

  • Nationwide gun sales spiked to 1.6 million firearms in December after president Barack Obama called for stricter gun control laws due to the San Bernardino terror attacks in California.
  • The record month for firearm sales was January 2012, where 2 million firearms were sold. This was just shortly after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown.
  •   While gun control legislation has failed in congress, some states have individually made changes, such as in Washington voters passed a ballot initiative to extend background checks when purchasing firearms.
  • 18 U.S. states have passed similar background check laws.
  • With the presidential election coming up soon, and our country facing many problems with gun control and terrorism candidates are likely to make promises to change some of these laws that are in place currently 
  • This link is a video of president hopefuls talking about president Obama's handle on the topic of gun control 

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